Welcome back!
Happy 2025! We can’t wait to welcome you back to the Centre. Please be sure to check with your session/class provider for their start date.
Happy 2025! We can’t wait to welcome you back to the Centre. Please be sure to check with your session/class provider for their start date.
We need you! Do you have a spare few hours a week,, fortnightly or monthly? Why not become a Crownway volunteer and give back to your community?
Contact us for more information on available roles! We are currently in need of a confident cook to join our team of volunteers.
Want to help us improve our Centre by giving us your opinion on our services? Well, now is your chance! Spare 5 minutes and fill in this short survey, it helps us out alot. Scan the QR code on the poster below or click this link to complete it: Have Your Say – Feedback Survey
Do you feel like you are missing hearing about new things coming up at Crownway? Why not sign up to our email newsletter? Simply scan the QR code below, fill in your details and you will receive our What’s On email every month! Plus, you can unsubscribe at any time and it’s completely free. Sign up now!
We wanted to say thank you to the Steve Morgan Foundation for awarding us a grant to support staffing costs to continue delivering programmes for adults and young people. If you want to find out more about what they do, head to their website: www.stevemorganfoundation.org.uk